Hi and welcome!

I’m Fairuz. I’m a qualified accountant and a director here at Sheridans. 

My passion is helping people to understand their finances and enabling them to take control of their financial future, helping them to make strong, well-informed decisions and to be financially well prepared if difficulties arise. I call it ‘being Sorted.’

I’ve written a  book Sorted. which gives a structured approach to becoming financially well organised and in control of your money.  To buy your copy please click here

Click here to download the extract of Chapter 1: Personal Budgeting 

The Eight Key Areas Personal Finances

Personal Budgeting

A personal budget will let you see the flow of your money.  Knowing what’s going in and what’s going out will help you to take control of your financial situation and make appropriate decisions.


Saving is setting aside money for emergencies, future purchases, future life events or investing. It is money that can be accessed quickly and that can act as a safety net.


Investing is buying assets such as shares, managed funds or real estate with the expectation that your investment will provide you with capital growth (that is, it will be worth more in the future than what you paid for it) or a steady stream of passive income (that’s money you earn not by working but from rent, interest or dividends.)


Tax is your personal contribution to the welfare of our society.  It’s a good thing to pay your fair share of tax, but there’s no need to pay extra.  The Australian tax system tries to be equitable and so it has a lot of complex rules and exceptions which your accountant can assist you with.


Borrowing money can help you achieve your goals but owing money costs you money in interest.  Repaying debt quickly is a smart move.

Personal Insurance

It’s important to protect your income, assets and health with insurance.


Twenty times your current spending is about how much you’ll need to have saved in your Super Fund and investments for a comfortable retirement

Estate Planning

Estate planning includes an Advance Care Directive and a Power of Attorney which set out your wishes if you are unable to make decisions about your assets or your health, and your Will which states how your assets will be distributed after you die.

Sorted. Tools

Here you'll find the tools that I've made for Sorted and links that I mention in the book.
One of the key aspects of getting Sorted is having a financial buddy.  If you'd like me, or one of the Sheridans team to be your financial buddy,  get in touch.  We'd love to help you become Sorted. 

Get Sorted.
Money In/Money Out
Own/  Owe 
What's protecting me?
The Sorted Checklist 

Personal Budgeting
Sorted Personal Budget

Personal Loan Repayments Calculator

Borrowing power calculator

Managed Fund fees calculator
Purchase Bonds 
Morningstar investing news
Simply Wall Street investing news
Commsec Pocket

Current tax rates

National Debt Helpline
Credit card calculator
Mortgage calculator

compare private health insurance  funds 
private health insurance rebate calculator
consumer rights and guarantees

How much age pension can you get?
Retirement income planner
Your super comparison tool
Advance Care Directive forms

Estate Planning
Estate Planning Black Box checklist